Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sunday #2- May 15th, 2011

We thought we were being proactive today by deciding to just take a taxi to church…no. Still we had trouble. We got out to the street with at least 15 minutes before church (the church is 5 minutes away by taxi) but we could not get anyone to stop for us!! Plus there were an abnormally low number of taxis this morning. Sadly, we were late to church again but we didn’t miss that sacrament! The ward members had translator devices ready for us so we could understand what the messages were about! We were so grateful to have the help from the elders and the ward members! We ended up staying for Sunday school also since they prepared to have someone there to translate! It was great.

The rest of the day has just been resting and preparing for the rest of the week. We have some homework to do and some sleeping to catch up on so that is what we have mostly been doing today. We’ll see what this next week has to offer. We are getting pretty ready to go home and we still have 2 more weeks left! Hopefully we will find new things to discover this week. 

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh AMY! i just found this.
    these pictures are to die for!!! it looks like you're having so much fun.
    miss you. love you:)
